Hi Everyone! Yikes! I can't believe that it's been over a month since I last blogged. And I was doing sooo good at blogging something every week. Oh, well, it happened, but I'm back now.
I do have some excuse: there's been a lot of extra work and excitement connected with the July release of RAPTURE BECOMES HER. Did an interview for Christine Morehouse of Romantic Crush Junkies Review and I just finished doing an interview for the Spanish site, El Rincon Romantico. Also did a blog for the Rom/Con being held in Denver this weekend. I believe that my blog will appear on July 5th. I'll be posting a link as soon as I get it on Facebook and Twitter. And, of course, I've been enjoying all the good reviews for RAPTURE BECOMES HER. Always gratifying to read good stuff about your work. Still have either video or a short note for a French publisher to take care of, but I'm whittling down the requests. Gee. I almost feel like a rock star :-)
Am making progress on the current book. I have over a 300 pages so I've broken the back of it. Figure it's 3/4 done with only about 100 pages to go. It'll be late to the publisher, which makes me feel lower than low. I hate being late, even though over the years I've greatly improved my delivering on time. I remember that LADY VIXEN or WHILE PASSION SLEEPS, one of them, was something like three years late. That wouldn't be tolerated in today's publishing world and can't say that I blame them.
Will close for now. The current book she is a-calling.
A quote that shows how little the world really changes: Oh, this age! How tasteless and ill-bred it is! Catulus (87?-54 B.C)